Below: Elements from ’25 Reasons’ 2016 annual appeal social media and online campaign. This campaign raised over $75,000 – double the target.


Below: Elements from Claire’s Story social media and online campaign 2016.


Below: Elements from 2015 Christmas social media and online campaign.


Below: A simple Facebook video for Mother’s Day campaign 2016.

Campaign Snapshot:
This case study covers multiple social media campaigns for Emily’s Voice:
1) Annual Appeal Campaign: ’25 Reasons to raise $40,000 by 30 June’. Objective to raise awareness and gain donations for Emily’s Voice by hilighting 25 key areas (reasons why) the organisation needs support.
2) Claire’s Story Campaign. A digital campaign to support a regional targeted campaign using TVC and outdoor media in specific areas Gold Coast, Qld and Perth Metro, WA. .
3) Christmas Campaign (2015). A Christmas themed digital campaign to encourage donations of $30,000 in 15 days leading up to Christmas.
4) Mother’s Day Campaign. Simple video for Facebook on Mother’s Day in 2016.

Campaign Objectives:
1) Annual Appeal Campaign: ’25 Reasons to raise $40,000 by 30 June’. This campaign serves both as fundraising and also a brand building exercise on many digital channels across 25 days.
2) Claire’s Story Campaign. Primary purpose to raise brand awareness for Emily’s Voice (new audience) and secondly to raise funds/support.
3) Christmas Campaign (2015). Primary purpose raise support for Emily’s Voice and secondly to build the brand through awareness across multiple channels.
4) Mother’s Day Campaign. Objective was to simply encourage mothers/motherhood on Mother’s Day in 2016.

Target Audience:
Various audiences depending on the campaign. Primarily Mother’s – but also father’s as a secondary target – who are pro-life and want to do whatever they can to support Emily’s Voice activities. The Claire campaign was the one targeted specifically at those mother’s about to make a decision about they unborn child’s future.

Campaign Execution and Media Channels:
Digital channels incl. Facebook content and channel branding, Instagram content, Youtube channel branding, Twitter channel branding, Website banners, E-newsletter banner branding.

Services Provided by Strategic Minds:
• Client account management and project management
• Brand development and management
• Design, typesetting and proofing
• Digital creative campaign development and implementation
• Production Services (photography and video)
• Copywriting
• Digital asset production and management
• Branded content and integration
• Social Media and EDM

Specific campaigns timed for calendar events, eg. Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day. Digital campaigns also scheduled to coincide with offline awareness campaign (outdoor, TVC’s).

Outcome and Evaluation:
The 2016 Annual Appeal raised over $75,000 in 25 days, almost double the target. Other campaigns have also achieved their objectives, each returning significantly on investment for the Emily’s Voice and each positively building the brand.

Client Testimonial:

Strategic Minds quickly understood and interpreted the brief, delivering a range of content (in some cases up to 30 different daily social media posts) for Emily’s Voice. Showing great creativity and sensitivity, they delivering content that was on time and within a small budget. This campaign hit the mark and enhanced our brand. Paul O’Rourke, CEO, Emily’s Voice.

For more case studies see:
• Case study 1: Talkshop Brand Identity

• Case study 2: John Holland Rail Safeworking Campaign

• Case study 3: Compassion Magazine

• Case study 4: John Holland Rail ETW App Campaign

• Case study 5: Salt 106.5

• Case study 6: CleanWater4Life

• Case study 7: Chrysalis Lifestyle Planning

• Case study 8: Emily’s Voice

• Case study 9: St Luke’s Grammar School

• Case study 10: Micah Australia

• Case study 11: Event and Environment Design

• Case study 12: Motion Graphics Video